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Friday 24 May 2024

The future of the Universe? Not such an easy prediction...

The future of the Universe? Not such an easy prediction...

If the hashtagUniverse consists only of hashtagmatter and hashtagradiation, and as far as we think we know, it started by expanding, then we would think that we could assume its future as follows:

The 1st hypothetical end of the Universe
If, as we think, the rate of expansion is too great for matter and radiation in the Universe to overcome, then, although gravity may slow down this expansion, the Universe will continue to expand forever. So, if the above thermal death prescenario is correct, or what is known as the hashtagGreat Freeze.

The 2nd hypothetical end of the Universe
However, the opposite could also happen. That is, if there is enough matter and radiation to overcome the gravity of the initial expansion, the Universe would expand, but gravity would slow it down and eventually stop it. Then the hashtagexpansion will reverse and become a contraction. This approach leads, obviously, to another inversion: the reversal of the hashtagBig Bang into a hashtagBig Crunch.

The 3rd hypothetical end of the Universe
Could the above two approaches finally be combined? Well, the Universe would continue to move at a "limiting" speed, as the expansion rate asymptotically (that's what I mean by "limiting") drops to 0. This is the case known as the hashtagCritical Universe.

Once again, it is confirmed that hashtagin science we know what we think we know...

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