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Wednesday 22 December 2021

It is not at all "weird" for some people to have the capacity tο get involved in fields other than their field of expertise

It is not at all "weird" for some people to have the capacity tο get involved in fields other than their field of expertise

It is, indeed, amazing how some people, and among them, some with great minds and achievements in a specialised field, had interests, knowledge and involvement in other "seemingly" - perhaps - unrelated fields. But it is equally, reprehensibly, astonishing how many people are alienated by this fact. That is, they expect the lawyer to be concerned only with the law, the engineer to be concerned only with engineering, the doctor only with medicine, the philologist only with philology, etc. If these scientists engage in or show that they understand subjects that belong to scientific fields outside their specialisation, then this seems to some at least "strange"! It is a mindset for some people.

So let it be. To demonstrate the opposite of such a mindset, there are, indeed, many examples of great personalities who in their lives have been involved in other fields beyond their specialisation. Take, for example, the great James_Clerk_Maxwell

Apart from his theory with its 4 famous equations, i.e.
  • the 1st equation
∫s D.dS = ∫v ρ dV = q
q is the net charge contained in volume V
S is the surface bounding volume V
which signifies that: The total electric_displacement through the surface enclosing a volume is equal to the total charge within the volume.

  • the 2nd equation
∫s B.dS = 0
which signifies that: The total outward flux of magnetic_induction B through any closed surface S is equal to zero.

  • the 3rd equation
Φc E. dI = — ∫s ∂B/∂t. dS
which signifies that: The electromotive_force (e.m.f. e = ∫C E.dI) around a closed path is equal to the negative rate of change of magnetic_flux linked with the path (since magnetic flux Φ = ∫s B.dS).

  • the 4th equation
Φc H.dI = ∫s (J + ∂D/∂t).dS
which signifies that: The magnetomotive_force (m.m.f. = Φc H. dI) around a closed path is equal to the conduction_current plus displacement_current through any surface bounded by the path.

that greatly helped the ushering of #physics into the new era and the foundation of SpecialRelativity and QuantumMechanics, Maxwell also wrote poems. One of them, titled "Rigid Body" is attached herewith.

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