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Friday 22 November 2019

Why do people follow the powerful (tyrants)?

Why do people follow the powerful (tyrants)?

Should the question perhaps not be drafted as follows: “History repeats itself because of human nature”? 

Indeed, again and again in history and today even in workplaces and beyond, it seems that a certain personality type keeps arising in positions of power: the powerful – within the ancient Greek meaning of ‘tyrants’. They are usually markedly similar, i.e. charismatic and charming but also calculating and vicious. 

They are said that they tend to have a blend of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder features such as a lack of understanding, grandiosity, insatiable lust for power and control, lying and deception, indifference to conventional laws or rules or ethics, etc. 

While people often discuss the history of diseased behavior and records of sadism and the horrific aftermath of these powerful humans (tyrants), what is discussed less often is that these – let us say – leaders do not and cannot rise in a vacuum; they come to power on the backs of the masses they ultimately hate and reject at will. It would be useful to examine the people who follow these coerce dictator types. Why do people worship and enable such leaders? More precise, the question arises as to what is it in human nature that makes humans vulnerable to a repeated cycle of cruelty and danger? 

Here are some of the reasons which make people follow the powerful (tyrants): 
When people feel a lack of control in their own lives, they turn to fantasy figures or escapist outlets to regain a sense of power and ego strength. Sometimes they turn to figureheads in their lives, be it politicians, celebrities, idols and people who possess charisma and strength. These charismatic types are masters of outward confidence, self-assuredness, which is reassuring and infectious for those who feel unsteady or insecure in themselves. 
  • A craving for strong paternal figures
One fundamental concern in human nature, that draws them to the idea of a higher authority or power, is the need for an idealised paternal figure.
Unfortunately, this thirst for such a figure can obscure one to the truth that no such perfect figure exists and a tyrannical leader can easily exploit and thrive off of this unquestioning worship. 
  • Cowardice/passivity/false safety/survival
Some people would rather stay in the seeming safety of the sidelines and let someone else run the show, perhaps due to fear of responsibility or compensation. This passivity can work to some extent in terms of hiding from initial attention or conflict, but it can be a dangerous way to enable powerful/tyrants to proceed unchecked. 
  • Assuming the best in others faith or naïve idealism 
Sometimes, unfortunately, it’s our goodwill and faith in human kindness that can doom us to manipulation. In a healthy society, mutual trust is a cornerstone of community strength, in exchange for abiding by general moral rules of community support. 
But sometimes that leaves us vulnerable to those who don’t play by the same rules we do. We assume that any human being will appreciate or exchange the same social contract of mutual respect and generosity and empathy and fairness that most of us try to strive for. But sadly, we underestimate the machinations of sociopaths who mimic and use this generosity while at their core, having no concern for others. We assume the best of each other, which works in many cases, but is also an Achilles heel to the cold exploitativeness of sociopathic behavior. 
Complicating matters is that such behavior occurs on a spectrum; clear and obvious “rulebreakers” like serial killers are one thing, but what about those who still abide by certain social graces on the surface, while at their core just pursuing their self-interest to varying degrees? Where do we draw the line between paranoid mistrust and oblivious innocence? This grey zone of trust is where sociopaths thrive. 
  • Wish fulfillment and admiration of infringing behavior         and confidence
Maybe people admire or envy the shark, even if we feel held back in our own lives for whatever reason from eating prey. Whether you are a secret shark lying in wait, seeing where you can bend the rules one day, or whether you envy what they win for themselves—confidence, power, or money—because you feel those are impossible goals for yourself, maybe you identify with and admire predatory behavior on some level. 
  • Drawn to superficial markers (money, looks, status) 
Humans are sadly status-oriented creatures, partly due to evolutionary behavior. The animal with the brightest plumage, who beats their chest the loudest, who appears with certain desirable physical attributes, who presents themselves as special or unusual gets more mating attention. Even babies and children are drawn to certain faces perceived as “attractive.” 
And particularly in our modern capitalist society, we are obsessed with markers of material superficial success: the clothes, the car, the name-brand degrees, the managerial titles, the fame and glamour, and more. On some level, we all fall for the simple gambit of admiring these markers, whatever they may be. Unfortunately, these markers usually have no correlation to morality or kindness or depth of human character. They are badges of entitlement for show, and we can’t help giving them credit. 
  • Power/popularity or even alignment with the ‘in’ crowd 
There is a great appeal to aligning with others who also fall in line, who are in sync with the group in charge. From grade school onward, peer pressure is massive, to avoid being the “nerd” or “oddball” who doesn’t look smooth or confident. To some extent, this social pattern doesn’t change, even in adult society, although thankfully the range of acceptable confidence and avenues for self-fulfillment are much more diverse. 
Unfortunately, certain career or social tracks remain narrowly defined, and the ones who align the best with the designated “norms” achieve more power and followers. Those followers enjoy basking in the glow of the successful leader’s approval and clique acceptance, even when the leader’s whims turn malicious or rely on putting others down. 
  • Lack of critical thought/logic/education
It’s easier to be exploited by a confident tyrant when you don’t doubt or examine their statements or motivations with a critical eye. Unfortunately, many people seem fine with going along with the status quo, unwilling to stay informed or read about issues of importance or question items that don’t make logical sense. 
They also don’t seem as skeptical or worried about too much power concentrated in the hands of any single individual, and what that can lead to. Or conversely, they are too cognitively rigid or overgeneralising, leading to scapegoating and prejudice, which can easily be exploited. 
In conclusion, there are understandably human tendencies, our eccentricities, insecurities, and aspirations that draw us to the boldness of the powerful (tyrant), but also leave us vulnerable to their ruthlessness, indifference, and exploitation. We need to maintain a healthy skepticism for any person who acts too good to be true, who never seems to doubt themselves, because ultimately, it’s normal to be incorrect and unsure about life sometimes, to push forward through mistakes and confusion and to forgive those who are still growing, changing. Overconfidence can be attractive but is ultimately a tactic, even a dangerous one. We cannot lightly follow the powerful (tyrants).

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