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Monday 18 April 2022

Modelling the traffic engineering design

    Modelling the traffic engineering design

How would you rate a thorough analysis of the impact of the type of junction selected for construction on the amount of traffic volume served? 

Well, video simulation technology enables such an analysis. See, for example, how the traffic volume served is affected in the case of 4-lane or 6-lane junctions, with or without traffic lights and in cases of various types of intersections (roundabouts, cloverleafs, diverging diamonds, diverging windmill, turbines and pinavia) with a standard design as well as with variations.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Only by transcending can new horizons be discovered!

 Only by transcending can new horizons be discovered!

Who would object to the fact that the scientific knowledge that humans occasionally possess has no horizons? Of course, it does, otherwise, by definition, we would possess absolute knowledge. Is there any objection to the fact that the broadening of the horizons of knowledge is only possible by transcendence? Of course not, since in order to move beyond, man has only to question and/or expand and/or extend and/or broaden and/or re-establish cognitive data handed down from the past.

Well, let’s take an example from the cognitive facts of our time in the field of electricity. What do we know about the lighting of a light bulb? Well, we have to connect its contacts to the poles of a battery in order to have a closed electrical circuit, i.e. the passage of electric current.

What would you say if, instead of a connected circuit, the required energy was supplied to the lamp by a changing magnetic field? Does that remind you of anything? Well, yes, an application of the Faraday's law, i.e. the relationship between the rate of change of magnetic flux (Φ) through a loop to the magnitude of the electro-motive force ℇ induced in the loop as generally is given by the formula: ℇ= dΦ/dt (or more specifically, for a coil with N turns, by ℇ=-N dΦ/dt). This is understandable and feasible.

But how about, next, expanding on this thought? That is if we tried to imagine something further away. Using this principle, lets imagine, for instance, how we could activate, "light up", like saying, a Black Hole or possibly even a Neutron Star. We would need, of course, a very strong magnetic field.

A brilliant field of glory!

Friday 8 April 2022

The insecurities of the rising giants


The insecurities of the rising giants

History generally repeats itself and this is not an unrealistic view, as the explanation (always) lies in the inherent "passions" of man.

My narrative will be short, about a well-known historical event, but one that teaches and refers to parallels with the current world events...

The final text of the Congress of Vienna was published in 1815, shortly before the Waterloo campaign and Napoleon's final defeat. It was a meeting that reshaped the European map after the Napoleonic Wars.

However, to their dismay, the powers that had emerged from this Congress saw the then British Prime Minister Canning recognise every independent state in South America, under pressure, of course, from City interests seeking exclusive trade.South America

This recognition also worried American President James Monroe (1817-1825), who was concerned both about the possibility of France supporting the Spanish reconquest and about Canning's role, which he saw as threatening. In 1823, Monroe imagined with horror Russia occupying California and Peru, France occupying Mexico, and Britain occupying Cuba. As Monroe himself, had stated: "There is a danger to our peace and security."

Thus was born the Monroe Doctrine, according to which the Americas, North and South should be off limits to their former European parents. They were now the "sphere of influence" of the United States.

Isn't the correspondence with today clear? Well, the name of the rising giant doesn't matter, it could be any country...

Thursday 7 April 2022

Trends in telecommunication technology and accompanying actions

Trends in telecommunication technology and accompanying actions

Who could disagree that whether we refer to businesses or society in general, it would be advisable to anticipate developments in order to help prepareadapt and seize new opportunities?

So, what we would simply call trends in the current evolution of telecommunications technology appears to be:
(a) The Metaverse, which blends the real and digital worlds into one
(b) The emerging devices, as wearable tech and implants will soon be commonplace, enhancing our senses through VR and AR
(c) Digital retail, bearing in mind that innovations in AR, VR, connectivity and data are continuing to change the way people shop 
(d) Sustainable living, when we experience the tendency to observe changes in values altering consumer behaviour and the business landscape
(e) The blockchain, i.e. the form of digital ledger used to record contracts or transactions